The ‘Rose’ name has been synonymous with the packaging industry since 1881, when William Rose formed Rose Brothers in Gainsborough. The very first machine that was built by William Rose was a tobacco wrapping machine, the first commodity to be mechanically wrapped for sale. He then took this knowledge to the confectionery, bakery, and tea industries.
A.M.P started out as a supplier of rebuilt packaging machines in 1978. At that stage, the company employed just 4 engineers. The founder Mr Alan Mann had learned his trade as a Rose technician from the age of 16.
The business expanded to such an extent that in 1990 A.M.P was able to purchase the Rose and Forgrove confectionery businesses and at that time re-named itself ‘A.M.P Rose’.
Today A.M.P employs over 150 people in two well-equipped, modern facilities; the HQ being a 100,000 sq/ft factory in Gainsborough, England, and a subsidiary unit in Bangalore, India that was opened in 1995.
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